Woad Supreme (Isatis tinctoria) - 90 Capsules
Woad Supreme™ is the powdered root of Isatis tinctoria. Isatis has a history of use in China for 2,000+ years. Isatis, commonly known as woad, has the following indications:
1) It is a broad spectrum antimicrobial. We find it most effective as an antiviral for both acute (including severe respiratory conditions) and chronic problems. Many studies have shown it be effective against influenza (the flu). It has also been shown to have antibacterial and anti-parasitic effects, including against leptospirosis. It is also immune-stimulatory. In China, woad is used to treat such conditions as pneumonia, UTI, sinusitis, tonsillitis, influenza and even acute hepatitis. They also brew it into a tea to use topically on rosacea, herpes, shingles, and impetigo.
2) Woad is strongly inhibitory against the COX-2 enzyme thus exhibiting strong anti-inflammatory activity. In addition to inhibiting COX-2 and 5-LOX, Isatis reduced allergic airway inflammation and airway hyper responsiveness by inhibiting the production of the Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-5, and RANTES.
3) In China it has been found to be useful in helping some cancer patients, especially those with leukaemia (it is obviously not a stand-alone cancer treatment).
4) Animals studies suggest it has protective effects against certain forms of radiation, especially mucosal damage, and may be a good detoxifier in general.
For more information and supporting research please visit the complete product page and write-up at: Woad Supreme
Woad Supreme™ is the powdered root of Isatis tinctoria. Isatis has a history of use in China for 2,000+ years. Isatis, commonly known as woad, has the following indications:
1) It is a broad spectrum antimicrobial. We find it most effective as an antiviral for both acute (including severe respiratory conditions) and chronic problems. Many studies have shown it be effective against influenza (the flu). It has also been shown to have antibacterial and anti-parasitic effects, including against leptospirosis. It is also immune-stimulatory. In China, woad is used to treat such conditions as pneumonia, UTI, sinusitis, tonsillitis, influenza and even acute hepatitis. They also brew it into a tea to use topically on rosacea, herpes, shingles, and impetigo.
2) Woad is strongly inhibitory against the COX-2 enzyme thus exhibiting strong anti-inflammatory activity. In addition to inhibiting COX-2 and 5-LOX, Isatis reduced allergic airway inflammation and airway hyper responsiveness by inhibiting the production of the Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-5, and RANTES.
3) In China it has been found to be useful in helping some cancer patients, especially those with leukaemia (it is obviously not a stand-alone cancer treatment).
4) Animals studies suggest it has protective effects against certain forms of radiation, especially mucosal damage, and may be a good detoxifier in general.
For more information and supporting research please visit the complete product page and write-up at: Woad Supreme

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